Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A bagstravaganza

After the joy of the bag giving, and in conjunction with the insane rain that's not in Spain, but infact my own front door, I was inspired, firstly to stay indoors and not get wet, and secondly to do some bag construction of my own.

I am definitely thinking that at least one of these bags has to be gifted back to the gifter to then make her the giftee, don't you agree?

Be aware that the bags I just spoke of are still in the construction process, and also be aware that you could not get two more dissimilar bag designs, well perhaps you could, I'm not a source of knowledge on bag differentiation, but I think they are quite different from each other.

 This first bag features a collection of Granny Squares in shades of yellow, orange, red and purple.  The pieces that made this up were all oddments and remnants of some other project, but just happened (in my opinion) to go together in a lovely friendly sort of way.  In the photo above, you can see this piece is being stitched onto calico, it is now waiting for a lining (I am thinking patchwork purples) and a handle.

I love this design so much, for a few different reasons, firstly the fact that I get to use all the little bits of wool that otherwise get culled when I have a brutal throwing out mindframe.  I hate to throw anything, even if it is just a tiny little scrap, and now I have a good excuse not to discard these lovely little woolen capers.

Here is a close up of the granny squares, although, with the overcast conditions of the day and the washing making a feeble attempt at drying on the window, the light and vibrancy are not true to form, so imagine something far more vivid and wow-inducing....

The second bag is another story all together, I don't quite know what kind of a ramble my imagination went on when in creation mode for this little thing!  But it is somewhat of a circusy, gardeny pastel coloured extravaganza ( mmmmm, just the kind of style that everyone is yearning for!)

I always have it in the back of my mind when I create that there must be someone with the same tastes as me, although a friend once did comment on my outfit that (and I quote) I looked like "an illustration from a childrens book drawn by someone in prison" so perhaps not!

Oh well, it is the process of creating and piecing together and stitching and watching something develop that I enjoy just as much as the finished item itself, so here in all its glory is the second bag....

As you might realise, this one is still in the stages of construction too, and I might add, it is taking me an eon to stitch all those little bits and pieces on!

Yesterday, I also made a box for the Christmas decorations to go in, as the old ripped plastic bag from my work that they had formerly been housed in didn't really have quite the seasonal appeal I was after.
You may be thinking that this is rather late in the year to be pulling down the festive decor, and I do quite agree, but you see, my boss informed me that it was good luck to keep the tree up for 10 days after Christmas, and my mind had a malfunction and completely forgetting the date of Christmas, calculated this to be the 10th !? So perhaps we will have extra good luck this year?

Anyhow, the box for the Christmas decorations is not having its portrait taken for the blog my friends, as it is not the sort of crafting adventure that should be praised! Well, perhaps if you are on a mission to graduate Kindergarten it could be, but certainly not beyond that!

It is very, very ugly, but I have to say, I am not the slightest bit concerned, for if you weren't already aware, Christmas comes but once a year, so I have plenty of time to get a new working model.

Much love to all you beautiful people

Em ..xx

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